“You can call me Specs, of course, that’s just a codename.” The hulking man in sunglasses tapped his finger against the dark gray aviator shades perched on his nose bridge, helping to solidify the image in everyone's minds. “Who I am isn’t important. If you’re fortunate enough to get out of here, you’ll understand. Right now, let me explain the situation you’re all facing.”,After all, this man in a suit isn't stupid. From the ground sand and vegetation, he can tell that this is definitely not a studio. Even if he doesn't believe in anything about another space, he doesn't think he could walk out of this endless desolate desert alone without any equipment or supplies.,Skill 3: Black Wraith (Active) - Summons a Black Wraith, a physical entity that deals physical damage. It is invisible to the naked eye and has a strength of 100% of your base mental attribute. (Due to unknown reasons, the Black Wraith's intelligence is damaged and it cannot act independently.)。